ICHRA Solutions For Brokers

The premier ICHRA solution for brokers

Get ahead of the competition and be the trusted advisor your clients need by adding an Individual Coverage Health Reimbursement Arrangement (ICHRA) to your toolbox. With zizzl health’s ICHRA solution, your clients can offer budget-friendly, quality health insurance to their employees without the fear of year-over-year cost increases and the hassle of traditional renewals.

Get your complimentary, no-obligation Cost Savings Analysis now and see just how much your clients can save.

ICHRA is gaining steam

  • The number of employers reported to have adopted ICHRA grew 64% between 2022 and 2023*
  • The number of Applicable Large Employers (more than 50 employees) using ICHRA as a health benefits solution grew by 144% from 2022 to 2023*

ICHRA is a fast-growing coverage solution offering ACA-mandated health benefits.

If you’re not talking to your clients about an ICHRA, someone else is!

Free Cost Savings Analysis

*2023 HRA Council Data Reporting: https://hracouncil.org/report/

Individual coverage with a cutting-edge solution

zizzl health’s platform provides:

  • A unique premium payment process that feels like a group plan but with all the freedom of an ICHRA
  • Live call center enrollment support for employees
  • Intiutive tools that help employees pick their plans with ease
  • Templated implementation processes that make administration a breeze
  • Online resources to drive prospects to closure
  • A full line of Guardian® group insurance products

Saved $500k+

Learn how one zizzl health client saved over $500,000 in their first year with our ICHRA solution.

zizzl health believes in a campfire culture

One of the most crucial aspects of a campfire culture is hospitality, the art of looking out for and supporting each other; that’s why we hire savvy, friendly experts who can see the world from your perspective.

Our ICHRA solution ensures that your clients have the financial protection in place that allows them to get back to the campfire.

Saved 20%

Most employers save 20% or more on their renewal costs after switching to ICHRA

What are your clients missing out on?
Contact info@zizzlhealth.com now to find out!

Fill out this short form or email info@zizzlhealth.com to talk with
a zizzl health expert about our ICHRA solution.